This text was chosen because it offers materials supporting students’ success in higher education that are openly licensed. Openly licensed materials give readers and authors full “5R” benefits in their use: to Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, and Redistribute. Each individual page in this text includes at the bottom specific licensing and attribution notices for works included on that page.

The primary materials for this text come from Lumen’s College Success, Phyllis Nissila’s How to Learn Like a Pro!, Dave Dillion’s Blueprint for Success in College and Career, and Monroe Community College’s COS 133 College Orientation and Success Strategies (Third Edition).

Contributions from Monroe Community College

Two faculty members at MCC, Terry Shamblin and Renee Dimino, have contributed extensive curation, revision, and adaptation of all openly-licensed works included in this text, as well as the creation of new works. In keeping with open-licensing practices, their revision and adaptation of open works with open “ShareAlike” licenses are offered under those same licenses. New works created by Terry Shamblin and Renee Dimino are provided under a Creative Commons BY: Attribution license.

This book was a true collaboration and couldn’t have been completed without the expertise of many people. Although it’s impossible to include everyone by name, the editors would like to thank the following people who contributed to this latest version:

  • Andrea Gilbert and the Virtual Campus team
  • Dax Parasnis-Samar, Michelle Beechey, and the MCC OER team
  • Staff from Public Safety, Schools@MCC, MCC Technology team, Government and Community Relations, Student Life, and Curriculum


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College Success Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.